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Here You Will Find the Tools to Heal

Do You Feel Alone?

You’re not alone…We understand mental illness can feel overwhelming and isolating.  It can feel like there’s no way out and it can make simple tasks seem impossible.  

We Provide Tools for Self Healing

If you stay here, be prepared to be leave with a new set of tools.  These tools were developed to let you understand your programming where your thoughts come from, create hope and find relief, healing and community.  Once you understand your thinking patterns, also known as programming, you can begin to challenge programming that isn’t serving you.  For more about Programming go here.  

You’ll learn the steps to observe yourself, hear yourself, then dig into where you learned your current programming.  Once you can understand where a specific program came from you can create a foundation for your mind to understand the programming isn’t creating the best version of yourself.  Once you have a foundation that supports “why” you don’t believe the old programming, you can reprogram yourself and begin the healing process.  

How Do You Get Started?

The healing journey doesn’t require “Talk Therapy” where you sit on the phone or sit on someone’s couch talking.  That option is available if you need it.  You can email me directly at if you need help applying the tools or to talk. 

If you’re ready to start your healing journey on your own, you can head over the blog page and start with “Our Own Programming” and then get into “Mindfulness” and start listening to that programming. 

Get in the Group

Join the email list and get a free ebook called Managing Depression Symptoms.  You’ll also be included for free when the community site is started.  It’ll be a site driven by healers for healing.  The ebook has plenty of value by itself but the community is going to a bring even more value and you’ll be in for free if you get on this list before we launch.  

First Heal and Your Desired Life is Waiting

We believe the tools we provide and the simplistic no nonsense approach to using them, anyone can heal themselves from past traumas.  

We Care about Your Healing

You can email me directly for help if you’re stuck in a problem and need help applying the tools.