Our Own Programming

Brain being programmed

What is Programming?

I use the term programming as a way to describe our personality or Ego.  All the internal dialog that goes on inside your head is programming.  How you react to someone insulting you is programming.  How you treat other people is programming.  If you listen to your inner dialog close enough, you can hear how you are programed.

When you look in the mirror you probably see someone that is on the spectrum of who you are truly. The person in the mirror (for most of us) is a disconnection from self, an accumulation of our past experiences mixed with our belief system.  Most of our belief system is OLD programming that runs on auto pilot and comes from other people’s beliefs.  Let that sink in.  

From the time we are born until we are about 7 years old our brains are in theta state.  We are basically walking around hypnotized being conditioned by other people and what they believe is the truth.  Many of the things we learn during that time frame never get challenged because the beliefs are so deeply ingrained in our programming.  

Reprogramming is just learning a new way to think about situations and about yourself.  You’ve been developing your programming and using it for many years.  It makes sense that your mind would want to go back to its old programming when you’re not consciously making yourself aware of your thoughts.  The most important part of the reprogramming process is to stay aware and observe your thoughts as much as possible.  Correct yourself when you think in a way that doesn’t serve your new programming or belief structure.  

Healing is the process of reprogramming yourself to align with your authentic self.  

Why is Challenging Programming Important?

Not only does our mind operate in theta until we are 7 years old, but our mind is quite savvy and even as we get older it will always adapts to experiences to allow us to continue to operate in our environment.  It puts protections in place when things aren’t great.  Our mind is willing to tell us a lie to “protect” us. 

Its hard to know who your authentic self is after carrying those beliefs and programming around years.  We have to brutally honest with who we are by challenging ourselves and adjusting them as needed.  

What are the Basics of Our Programming

The basic programming we come with as a new born is quite sophisticated.  It’s programmed from birth with how to eat, sleep, smile, and express discontent by crying.  As you get older and have more experiences of physical and emotional pleasure and pain your programming starts calculating how to avoid the things that cause us pain.  The programming will usually prioritize staying away from pain higher than trying to find pleasure.  This starts happening before we are able to recall memories.  


Understanding Your Programming

To understand your own programming you need to hear what your program is saying.  The internal dialog is constantly talking to you, start listening closer to what it’s saying.     

When you are walking, you’re not usually using all of your brain’s processing power so there’s time to let the mind wander.  During these times try to remember to listen to what your internal dialog sounds like.  Don’t try to steer your thoughts, just observe them as they come out.  What are they saying?  Do you agree with them?   Are you tearing other people down?  Are all your thoughts worry?  Are your thoughts full of fear?  Are your thoughts full of stress?  

Now, take all those thoughts and assign a good feeling or a bad feeling to them.  What percentage were good?  What percentage was negative or bad?  If it was 60% good or positive feelings and 40% negative or bad then you’ve got programming that is 60% positive.  On the contrary, if you’re 60% negative then your programming is negative.  

Don’t worry, even if you’re 95% negative thinking, you’re not alone.  But, you have to be honest about what your programming is saying and what you believe of that programming.

How well is your programming serving you right now?

If you want to further examine the programming of your inner voice try writing down what its saying.  Instead of assuming you know your programming and dismissing the thoughts as random, try to assume you don’t anything about your programming and you’re observing it for the first time.  

Approach with an open mind and just listen to the kinds of things you hear.  Do you agree with it?  How is the thought serving your journey?  Is your programming accepting of other people or does it tear other people down?  Does your programming only tear down certain types of people but not others?  If it does, examine why.  Is the programming serving you in a more positive or negative way?   Be honest.  

To find out who you are authentically you need to know what YOU believe in by challenging everything.  You can’t accept the beliefs and programming you’ve been conditioned to without challenging them first.  

This process can be a long lonely one. Many people call this process a spiritual awakening. You can speed the process up by writing out your thoughts, meditating, and eating healthy. All three will help you process your thoughts and make reprogramming easier.

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Picture of D. Joel

D. Joel

I have developed and want to share a simple set of tools that will help you understand your current programming, understand how that programming is affecting relationships around you and whether or not your programming is limiting your personal growth potential.