The Healing Journey

Stairs to heal yourself

What does Healing Mean?

Healing is the process of unlearning and relearning; it’s going back to your original state of awareness, which is what you were before conditioning from family members, teachers, friends, co-workers, etc.  Healing is becoming aware of who you truly are vs who your current programming says you are and making mental adjustments needed to align with who you are truly. 

Tools you can use to work on your own healing

The basic tools you need to start working on yourself are observation, self-reflection and awareness of your programming. 

There are lots of natural resources to help your healing journey.  Meditation, healthy eating, and journaling are just a few.  We are ultimately reprogramming our brains, the better operating and healthy it is, will be easier it is to keep your brain focused on your goals.

If you don’t want to work with a therapist, you don’t need to.  I’ll give you all the tools to learn your programming, what it’s saying, where it comes from, and how to re-program yourself.  I’ll give you lots of ideas and techniques to use in the blog post.   Make sure to sign up for email updates.  


Observe as much as you can.  Observe how your body feels after a banana or an apple.  Observe how your body feels after a large dessert, or how your body feels after fasting for 24 or 48 hours.  Observe emotions and your body’s response to emotions.  For example do your hands get sweaty when you feel anxious.  Try to observe all of your emotions.  Most importantly is observe your own thoughts and inner dialog when different emotions come up.  Don’t try to defend the thought, instead try to detach from it and examine it.  This will help you see areas within yourself that you can reflect on and decide if the programming is serving you.  


Now that you’ve observed yourself and your emotions you can start reflecting on your programming .  You will want to questions everything as if you’re unsure of it’s truth.  You want to examine each thought.  

Personally, I used to walk down the street tearing everybody down.  My programming had taught me to find flaws and point them out to myself and anyone with me.  I would usually find the over weight person and make comments about their personal choices because I viewed them as not having personal control.  I didn’t understand the programming until I looked at how I learned to find personal value in myself.  I didn’t have a high opinion of myself so I would tear everyone down until I felt adequate or above the people I was judging.  The self-limiting beliefs I had created thinking that deteriorated my ability to be a good team player in school, work or even at home. 

Awareness of Programming

We learn everything we know from someone else.  If we pay attention to the thoughts passing through our minds when we are driving, or walking to get lunch, or waiting in line, we can hear our own programming.  In order to change we need to be willing to question the programming and ask if we still believe it.  We need to look at all the programming and decide if it is serving us in a positive way or a negative way.

Then apply LOVE...

Love means accepting someone else without judgement.  For most of us we need to start with love for ourselves.  If your inner dialog doesn’t show a lot of love and compassion for yourself then that’s the best place to start applying this idea.  Learn who you are, learn who you are NOT.  Become someone that you know and love.